After her first sellout Solo Exhibition last year,
the Gallery is very excited to announce
'Series 2 of Still Life' by Barkly Arts, Tennant Creek artist, Lindy Brodie.
“When I go to the bush, I like to do painting: wildflowers, bush tucker, bush medicine, all that. We go for a ride, we have a look at the bush medicine, mintapa (ant pit), bush fire burning. After, I am still thinking about it – so I do painting of the wild flowers."
Sometimes I paint flowers from the shop or people’s gardens, whitefella flowers. Whitefella flowers are different from bush flowers, they’ve got a different shape, different colours, they grow at different times. They don’t grow in the bush- you need to plant the seeds. In the bush, the seeds are carried with the wind and with the birds- birds eat them flowers and carry the seeds. They grow themselves, those wildflowers.
On the way to work, I ask the art centre mob to pull over on the bridge– to get the deep red flowers. They only grow sometimes. We drive all around Tennant Creek looking for flowers, all the way up to Mary Ann Dam, sometimes you can just find them on the side of the road. There’s blue ones, bright pink ones and little white ones, there are yellow flowers growing on my fence at home. We bring them back to the art centre and I can do that painting. I set up the table like at home, I paint my mug, my paintbrushes, the scotch biscuits, fruit, sometimes I have Minities so I paint those too.